Saturday, December 29, 2018


wow, had not posted in a while..Although been busy knitting away..

Its so cold here, at least for us who are not that used to it..I think its colder this winter than last winter around this time..

cant beleive the year is coming to an end..I hope the new year brings us joy and its  a better one than this one has been...

Stay safe and keep crafting...Leaving you with 3 hats i just knitted for babies for donation..


Saturday, September 1, 2018

knitted garter squares Blanket

I started and finished this knitted blanket..i wanted to do it a little wider, so i went back and knitted 4 extra squares..I also worked on a tiny crochet preemie blankie..

I started on another preemie blankie, not squares though..Although i am loving just garter squares blankets lately..Its been a joy to me, mindless and just lovely to work up..

Its Saturday and i dont have errands to run, but i did take my father early this morning to get some watermelon that he was craving..

Glad i cleaned yesterday and don't have to do much today..Although i want to repot some jade plants...I might do that tomorrow, not sure..

I hope you all have a nice and safe weekend..


Sunday, July 1, 2018

july already

Today its breeeeeeezy and hazy..we had sun, but now its just hazy..
i started on another scrappy  preemie blanket today..its going well so far..been looking in my stash for itty bitty balls of yarn..

hope you all have a safe sunday and week ahead..
leaving you with some pics of the squash and tomatoes my father had this year in his veggie patch..

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Knitted preemie Blanket

months are flying..i need  to go out to joanns soon and get some yarn..dont have any yarn to start more squares...its May gray here which iam loving, dont like the heat at all..

Here is another tiny preemie i just finished..i think its 19x 21...want to do a few more of these also..

i need to post some tube socks also..havent had a chance..hopefully later i will..

hope you all have a great wednesday..

Peace & Love 💛💛💛💜💙💖

Thursday, March 29, 2018

end of march

can't beleive another month is almost over..Finished a few things around here..Went through the bathroom and got rid of a few things, nice to declutter..I said this year, no spring cleaning as i always go nuts and then pay for it with a hurting back and shoulders..So, just doing some light decluttering..

Finished another baby blankie, started on a chemo hat today..Also knitting squares for another baby blankie..Its nice to keep your hands busy, maybe help the mind also away from worries and into better thoughts..At least i pray so..

Hope you all have a blessed Easter with family..

Friday, February 23, 2018

God's Grace

i went out to the garage to get a load done, it started raining, well showering..Only lasted 3 min..But when i turned around look what i saw...Amazing hope..


Sunday, February 18, 2018


its a lovely sunday here, sunny, but windy..We did not have a winter here, rain wise, only had coldness..

Been chugging along with my  crafty objects..I have done 20 hats so far for the year, iam finishing a preemie blankie now..might finish it up tonight, not sure yet..

I had a idea of crocheting a granny square a week to one of my groups..Trying to get the group going after a friend/owner of the group died..She loved grannies..So anyway, i had this idea a few weeks ago, so anyone can do more than a granny a week if they choose to..I have a few grannies now and i am liking it..I try to do a granny on sunday..I need to get some white to trim them..
Also knitting a diagonal preemie blankie..not sure about it, but will see it through, if i dont like it, i will start something else with the yarn..

these are some of the hats i made recently and some grannies also..

have a great week ahead..💙💛💜💓