Saturday, September 23, 2017

is it fall yet?

Cant beleive its almost October..Hope this coming up heat wave, does NOT happen..iam looking for fall not summer again.. lol..
 been busy the last 2 weeks..Been doing baby booties all week, and did 2 baby hats and 4 granny squares...still have not done a baby bootie today..Need to make a few more, although my basket is getting full, which i love...I have to sew them up also, some are done though..

Love to hear the wind blowing, the leaves just scatter as they blow with the wind..I hope this season we will have some rain.

Went out this morning to run some errands, first up was the post office...I dropped off a package with hats, and a scarf going on to New York..Hope it will warm up a child this coming season...Then i went across the street from the post office to Michaels...I saw this yarn, had never seen it before, but its been months since i went to Michaels...I bought a skein, had a coupon for it, much better with a coupon.. I think i will cast on a preemie blankie and see how it works up..Its a lovely variegated color ..i love the has blues, whites, greens, darker blue, orange..Just a lovely kaleidoscope of colors..Its soft also, which i love..

Will leave you with  a few pictures of projects i have been working on..

 hope you all have a great rest of September..

Hugs & Peace


  1. Hi Lulu. So nice seeing you visit and land on my new blog. Well, sort of new. Big changes in our lives. We aren't in California anymore.
